samedi 21 avril 2012

PODCAST Danger of Alcohol

I choose this video because this subject is realy important for me. First of all, this video is presented by Matt Damon. In this video he talks about the story of four young people. Everyone of those young people have something in common...they all have been victims of accidents because of alcohol.
  The first person is a youg man, Robert. Alcohol affected is life . He was at a party, and he though that he could be drinking some beers. He though that he was ok, and that he knew his he drunk few of them and took his car to come back home. But on his way back home, he had an accident. He loose his right leg. The second person is explainig to us that you have to respect yourself, and that it is not an obligation to drink because everybody does it ! The third person is Megan, she became used to drink, little by little she NEEDED to drink, and she did not knew why. She had been drunk at a party and had a problem with a guy that she did not know . Ilton, the last young person explains that drinking alcohol can make you regretting something all your life long .
  I choose this video because last year I had a big moto crash. A car with a drunk driver came from the right and did not respect the stop.She hurted us. My friend could have been killed, and I have been loosing one of my year on a wheelchair, learning how to walk again.
I have to admit that before this accident, I did not realize how much alcohol could be dangerous, but now I know. Young person, like to go out, and have a good time with friends, but most of the time, we forget that life can change so quickly.

vendredi 20 avril 2012

PODCAST Stanford Summer Teaching Institute (SSTI)

I choose to ask twenty questions about this podcast . This video talks about a summer teaching institute in Stanford. On this video you can see teachers tying to improve their ways of teaching. Two people are interviewed on this podcast.

1- What does CSET means ?
Center to Support Excellence in Teaching
2-Who is Ann Jaquith ?
Director of Leadership for Excellent Teaching CSET
3-What does SSTI mean ?
Stanford Summer Teaching Institute
4-What is the principal fonction of the SSTI ?
It is an opportunity for teachers to continu deepening their own understanding about the contains that they teach as well as teaching itself.
5-Is Emily Davis a :  (choose one of the following answers)

  Director of leadership for excellent teaching
  Director of the partnership school YES

6-Fill the blank
   'They are playing for a "leadership"  "strategies" in the Institute itself and to get "fedback" on have them thinking about using those.

7-What do teachers have when they come back to their classroom context ?
  They already have a lot of fedback on how to improve
8-When teachers are leaving the institute, how do they feel :  (choose one of the following answers)

  They have a plan  YES

9-How many primary goals does the leadership learning school really have ?
10- What are they ?
  First : is to develop instructional leadership team that has a share vision of what instructional excellents is in their schools
  Second : is to really teach teams of instructional leaders about the sort of the sources that they are going to have in order to support excellent instruction at their schools.
11-Something else distinguishes their courses, what is this thing ?
 The fact that it is team based
12-Why is this a good thing for teachers ?
   Thanks to that they can share and talk about their differents teaching

13-What can be a support for teachers when they are back in their classroom ?
14-Fill the blank :

  When teachers come to the Institute, they have an "opportunity" to "come" "back" "together"again to talk about how the "ideas" and "strategies" that they tried out actually worked in a context of "real" life "situation" .

15-One of the aims of this Institute is :  (choose one of the following answers)

   To make teachers sharing what they have learned with their collegs    YES
   To make teacher having new teachers friend
   To make teacher feeling more comfortable in front of their class

16-In what do teachers get an opportunity to be engaging in ?
   They get an opportunity to be engaging in professional developement
17- What does SSTI permit to the teacher ?
   To keep classroom vibrate
18- What is the last term that she uses ?
    Intellectually exciting places for kids
19-Most of teachers in this video were

   Women   YES
20-What percentage does the women give use at the beginning ?
      50 %

PODCAST Making teaching more affordable

I choose this podcast, Making Teaching more Affordable, because I found it really interesting.
In that podcast we can see two people talking, Efundunke Hugues, who is a teacher in Berkley Maynard Academy and Deborah Stipek who is the first James Quillen dean and professor, in school of education. This video deals with students loans which have been reduced in Stanford for graduates people which are teaching in undeserved communities .

  Efundunke Hugues is a black teacher in Berkley Maynard Academy. At the begining she wanted to be an engineer, that was the reason why she came into Stanford. She says in the video that there was a needed of black engineer, but she has never heard that there was a needed of black teachers, even if it was the case. She explains that those people a respected, paid a lot and she knew that. So she decided to became an engineer. However, she started the to ask herself if it really was what she wanted to do...was that realy her passion ?
  Deborah Stipek then explains what the STEP program refers to, that is to say Stanford Teacher Education Program, it is a master program.
  Efundunke Hugues decided then to become a teacher, and, teach to change the world, because, children are our future.
During the first week of school, they focus on what the want to become when they grew up . She also says that if you want to go to Stanford you have to be able to work together, to have a valuer direction, but you must also have to believe in yoursel to be successful. She knew that she was accepted in STEP when she was Senior level . But she immediatly thought that she could not afford it . So she tought about it, and decided to send an e-mail to the President. She explained in her e-mail that she realy wanted to become a teacher and she explains her passion of teaching to him. Then, she told him that she could not afford to the program, so by extention, she could not afford to be a teacher.
 She says that some of her students cannot afford books and so she thinks that is not normal. She says that knowledge is something that we should share, and defenitly not something where people are penalized because they cannot afford education.
  Deborah Hugues thinks that a long forgivness program will help us to attract students who otherwives even would not considered teaching at all.She thinks that there is no more important profession, she says : "that is our future".
  What Efundunke Hugues hopes is that her students will go to College, and think that did their best.

jeudi 19 avril 2012


  The teacher asked us to talk about the difficulties that we have encountered this semester. The most difficult for me has been the fact that we had to use, most of the time, computers. I am not use to work on computer, I would really prefer to work on a book. And because of that, it took me a lot of time to realize my homework. Moreover, I lost the address of my first blog, so I had to recreate one.
But I have to admit that I have learn some vocabulary about technologies, and I have also learn how to create a good story for children.

Benefits of using stories to teach !

We saw in class that there are plenty of ways to teach children . One of them is teaching by telling a story . This is an excellent way to teach something, because children are going to pay more attention, moreover, it permits to them to be in interaction with the teacher and with themselves. It also can develop their creativity, and makes them remember better !

Lets tell a little story to the class !!

For this class, we had to create a short story for little children . I  really appreciated that ! That was a good experiment, and, at the same time that was funny. Sylvain and myself have been using easy words, because, if you want to teach some words to little children with a story, you HAVE TO make it short, easy to understand, but also a little funny !
Here is our story, enjoy it !

Fruit party!

-Hello, who are you?
-Hello, I'm Mister Lemon, I am looking like Miss Mandarin but we do not have the same color. What about you, who are you?
-I am Miss Watermelon, and I am very fresh !
-Nice to meet you ! Do you know this fruit on the dancefloor ?
-Yes, she is Miss Banana, monkeys do really love her ! What about this brown one ?
-He is Mister Coconut, he is coming from an island.
-Oh yes, I see, just like Miss Grape ?
-No ! She is living in France or in Italy. And do you know this one, she seems to be alone...
-Oh, she is Miss Apple, she is a little bit strange !
-Yes, I see, she empoisonned Snowhite! And what about this one wich is dancing as a pumpkin ?
-He is Mister Pear, a really nice fruit, but a quite stupid...



In class we have we have been talking about Flickr. It is a website which permit you to share pictures or videos . It means, people coming from every parts of the world can put on their Flickr account pictures they have made, and they can make some comments about them.


Lets talk about Wordle !
Before the teacher show it in class, I had never heard about this website !
It permits to creat something really interesting, especially, in my opinion, for children. I mean on this website, you can choose some words, like, for example : tiger...and then you can write them in every sens and in every size. The result is funny, and it is a very good way to teach new vocabulary to young children, because it is a different way to learn !


Hello everybody,
    the question of the day is : do you really think that Facebook could be a good way to teach things ?
 In my opinion, I do not really know... I could say yes as I could say no, lets explain.
 I could say yes, because Facebook is now something that everyone is using, I mean, a lot of people are going on it everyday, and sometimes, severals times per day. It is really usefull to share some informations, some videos...this is a funny way to learn. BUT I do not think that as many people would go on Facebook if that was a 'place' to learn things. I think that it is a website where you go when you want to relax, or have some fun with friends ! And one of the bigest problem is that there is no privacy ! If you want to put some pictures of you or your family...and your teacher or your pupils have your address, it can easily become a could make two differents address BUT it is not practicle !


  In class, the teacher asked us what we were thinking about technologies...As far as I am concerned, I think that technologies, for our generation, are taking a lot of time of our lifes. I do not really think that people are not using phone, computer, TV, Everyone is use to technologies now. Moreover, technologies are a good way to keep contact with people, they also are really usefull when we need to search some infomation...for example : computers, they are SO usefull, thanks to them, you can speak with people which are living in an other country, or you can also do some work on your computer. A computer can nearly replace a library, if your looking for a definition, I mean, if you want to know something, you just have to go on your computer, click on Internet, and then you are going to have ten thousands answers for your question.Moreover, you save a lot of time !  It is as simple as that ! now, talking about phones, they are SO practicle ! If you have a problem or if you need to join someone, you do not have to wait until this person comes back. This is the same for TV, you can be aware about news all the time, you can know what happened in the world, without leaving your home...This is the reason why technologies are so practicle, and why we are using them all the time. But, I have to admit that it is more difficult to our parents generation to use them, because they are not born with technologies, but before them.